b'F O O D , M A T E R I A L A N D S U P P L I E S G R O U PNew Agritech Helps SC ChileEnhance Supplier RelationshipsF or 30 years, Sumitomo Corporation Chile Limited (SCCH) has upheld a key position as sales representativeand supplier of food products to major Japanese customers such as Kagome, Otafuku Sauce, and Bull-Dog Sauce. In heading the southern hemispheres strategy, SCCH distributes around 15 thousand metric tonsof food products to Japan annually.The bulk of their exportsoil, capturing radiation and mapping different layers of results from a longstandingthe ground, including physical and chemical composi-partnership with Chilean-tion. The output is a surface image that shows the lack based food companyor surplus of various chemical features. Those images Carozzi Corp., establishedcreate a detailed report of the soil, illuminating site-spe-as a pasta manufacturer incific areas where chemicals or minerals are lacking.1898. Today, Carozzi is oneAs soon as the trial proves to be successful, SCCH will of the largest and most roll it out to farmers through Agrozzis network, said esteemed mass consumptionlvaro Cortese, General Manager of the Food, Mate-companies in Latin America.rials, and Supplies Group of SCCH. The whole target Their main export to Japanis to maximize the kilos per hectare with the aim of is Tomato Paste and Appleimproving yield efficiency. Typically, you would apply Juice, largely used to minerals homogeneously, but with this technology, you manufacture ketchup, get a detailed map of every part of the farm. You can do sauces, and juices. your irrigation planning and figure out what you need for specific sites in order to nourish the soil. In general, it improves the properties of the soil in a very balanced way. By allowing farmers to take fixed measures to optimize yield and agrochemicals usage, agritech leads to im-proved stability of raw materials and added control over In August of 2017, SCCH strengthened its relation- environmental variabilities and diseases.ship with Carozzi by becoming its sole sales agent inEnvironmental Factors on Agriculture Japan. Shortly after that, the companies embarked on aIn the last ten years, Chiles unprecedented drought has multifaceted collaboration of agricultural technologycaused an agricultural emergency in a handful of the (AgriTech) solutions and exploring SCs Southeastcountrys regions, affecting farmers across all commu-Asian markets with Carozzis value-added products.nities. By streamlining and enriching their value-chain Scalability of Agritech Solutions through SummitAgro Chile, SCCH, is securing the SCCH has been closely working with SummitAgro future production of supply and their capacity to navi-Chile in promoting diverse precision agriculturegate an increasingly unpredictable landscape. solutions to Carozzi. SummitAgro Chiles extensiveThe future of farming is in cultivating sound man-portfolio of agritech solutions, CROPSCAN, usesagement of the farm, optimization of agrochemicals technologies such as Soilscan, Canopyscan, and Satel- and water for better yields, said Cortese. We are tak-litescan within their Crop View platform to preciselying measures to prevent the drought from impacting measure a wide range of chemical and physical variablesour supply, by putting this technology into irrigation with unique soil sensing technology. This data helpsand agrochemical usage, into things that help the visualize the fields state in real-time and allows an exactfarmers have a sustainable supply in the years to come. estimation for maximized efficiency.In October 2020, SCCH and Agrozzi, the Agro-Indus- In the 21st-century, agriculture technology innova-trial Division of Carozzi, conducted the first Soilscantions have led to more efficient agricultural practices, trial on 12 hectares of tomato fields. Using an ultra- such as better farm management, higher profitability modern sensor, Soilscan measured gamma rays in theand yield. Embracing agritech is essential to achieve 6 visions Winter 2021'