b'Above,The first LNG shipment from Diversified CPC Internationals newBeaumont, Texas facility is loaded onto a truck for delivery to the customer.Takuya Tsujigaki, and under the leadership of BillThe Beaumont operation will be the second major Auriemma, moved their business domain into val- production and distribution facility that the company ue-added product areas by leveraging highest-qualityoperates along with its Corporate Headquarters in Jo-specialty gases. We are proud that DCPC completedliet, Illinois, as the company operates regional facilities this Phase I investment in a new Texas facility duringin Illinois, New Jersey, Florida, Mississippi, and Califor-the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe this investmentnia. Part of DCPCs five-year plan includes initiatives will be a great step to enhance their industry-lead- for producing innovative new products, always with an ing position in the personal care and LNG segments,eye toward more efficiency, safety and environmental-an area where SCOA commands a strong presencely-forward action.through our businesses in the energy, constructionFast response times and superior logistical capabilities machinery and tubular markets. are key factors in servicing this business, and this facili-With Phase 1 of this project completed, Phase II willty gives us a strong competitive advantage, Auriemma include the construction of bulk storage and process- commented. Sumitomo Corporation of Americas is ing capabilities, while Phase III will bring additionalcommitted to this industry and has provided DCPC manufacturing capacity on-line in the following years.with all of the support needed to make this project successful from day one. Sumitomo Corporation of Americas 15'