b'T R A N S P O R T A T I O NSCOA Delivers on Promise of ExcellenceTrust and Long Term Vision Key to Project Fulfillment for Transportation ProjectWhen you deliver a top quality product, and on time, you develop a reputation.SCOA has gained that position in theU.S. transportation industry over the decadesby maintaining trust in customer and supplierrelationships, committing to the long term,and making use of the backing that integratedcorporate strength provides.Above and below left,Caltrans delivery at Stockton, California Case in point: over the past eight years, SCOA hasIn fall 2012, the California Department of Transpor-worked relentlessly to meet the evolving needs of atation (Caltrans), as well as the Illinois, Michigan and multi-million dollar project to supply passenger railcarsMissouri state departments of transportation select-in the first multi-state Department of Transportationed SCOA for a jointly awarded contract to supply (DOT) contract under new Federal Railroad Adminis- 130 bi-level passenger railcars. SCOA submitted the tration (FRA) guidelines. By maintaining the full trustwinning bid to build the railcars, which would service of the industry (including customers, suppliers and thepassengers along intercity rail corridors in California U.S. government) as the project experienced signifi- and throughout the Midwest; the designated routes cant changes along the way, SCOA has made utmostincluded Midwest Coalition Amtrak services as well efforts to fulfill its commitment and began delivery ofas Pacific Surfliner, San Joaquin and Capitol Corridor these railcars this year. services in California. New equipment rail grants from Taking its rightful position in the forefront of thisthe FRA under the American Recovery and Rein-ever-changing industry, SCOA is no stranger tovestment Act (ARRA) as well as the Passenger Rail transportation, having supplied passenger railcars for 40Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 (PRIIA) years. As a proven solution provider of transportationhave supported this order with matching funding from systems, SCOA has ongoing as well as completed proj- the states.ects in variety of passenger railBecause multiple states have for the first time pooled services including commutertheir resources and settled on a standardized design, rail, intercity passenger rail,this top-of-the-line equipment can be purchased, light rail and non-electrifiedrepaired, and maintained for the lowest possible price, service with self-driven dieselsaid the former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray multiple units as well as Auto- LaHood. It is also noted that the standard specifica-mated People Mover systemstions (the PRIIA specifications) are being developed in major cities and airportsunder the law through the Next Generation Equip-across the U.S. As a supplierment Pool Committee, consisting of a collaboration of of quality rails and tie plates,state governments, FRA, Amtrak, and the rail industry SCOA also serves as the lead- to create a level playing field for U.S. rail equipment ing supplier of seamless steelmanufacturers for cost reduction and shorter delivery. rails, and is the only manufac- Then, in 2015, an unforeseen challenge presented turer of forged steel wheelsitself: SCOAs subcontractor manufacturer started for locomotives and railcarsencountering technical difficulties for years while in North America. Besides itsimplementation to meet with the required safety stan-current infrastructure position,dards and specifications of the contract. Considerations SCOA continues to exploreat this point involved not just safety concerns, but the the possibilities that transpor- possibility of missing delivery deadlines, which could tation innovation currentlyendanger funding commitments.presents, such as air mobility systems or air taxis.10 visions Fall 2020'