b'M I N I N G G R O U PMinto Metals Sustainable Practices Uphold Sumitomos Long-term ValuesM into Metals Corp. completed a detailed review of proposals received from various offtake companieswith respect to the processing and purchase of the copper concentrate produced at the Companys Minto Mine. In connection with the completion of this process, Minto Metals has entered into a more favourable offtake extension agreement with Sumitomo Corporation (SC), contracted through Sumitomo Canada Limited (SCL). This offtake agreement helps SCL and SC move further towards its goals for mining, and Mintos sustainable practices uphold Sumitomos long-term values. Pursuant to the agreement, SC agrees to purchase 100% of the copper concentrate produced at the Minto Mine during the additional four years based on 50,000 dmt/year of concentrate production. The new extension is effective as of May 16th, 2022, and continues until the additional 200,000 dmt are produced. In conjunction with the off-take agreement, SC has agreed to extend its debt facility to $17.5 million dollars which is repayable over 48 months or the remaining agreement term at the time of the draw. The Minto mine, located in Yukon, Canada, has direct engagement with the Yukon government and the local Selkirk First Nation to not only ensure but also evolveSumitomo Canada Limited has enjoyed a mineral re-and adapt to Mintos socio-economic effects in the shortsources market presence in Vancouver for 50 years, and and long term, noted Mitsuhiro Hirano, Senior Vicesome current team members go back nearly 30 years of President and General Manager of SCOA Mineral Re- that history. sources Group. Accordingly, Minto has a commitmentThrough this time, we have been fortunate to have to the environment, including a pilot for a constructedsome highly experienced and knowledgeable staff come wetland to minimize future environmental impacts atthrough Vancouver, said Hoshi Lu, Director, Mineral closure. Minto as a business, has successfully ramped upResources Unit, of his team. This stable presence is im-production and produces a very uniquely high quali- portant as we work with counterparts, many of whom ty product that is highly desired in the market. We areare based in Vancouver, that spend their entire careers in honored to be selected by Minto to be their long termthe industry. Furthermore, trust and reliability are very partner and we believe that Mintos values are consistentmeaningful to business opportunities in our industry with ours to seek sustainable, long term business thatwhere we can face unexpected challenges from political brings benefits locally and globally. risk to quality risk to logistical risks.Sumitomo has been a tremendous business partnerThe roots of this business relationship with Minto does since the restart of the Minto Mine in 2019 and we lookin fact go back five decades, to the original Bethlehem forward to continuing this relationship and providingCopper mine started in British Columbia through the Sumitomo with our high-grade, quality copper con- support of Sumitomo. The mine still operates today as centrate for an extended period of time, stated Christhe Highland Valley Copper mine, now owned by Teck Stewart, President & CEO of Minto Metals.Resources, which serves as Sumitomos partner in the Quebrada Blanca Phase II (or QB2) joint venturein Chile. 12 visions Summer 2022'